Fire Roasted Onion Bell Pepper Chutney

Last week we did some impromptu BBQ. We had friends over for coffee after dinner on Friday evening. One of them loves bhutta (fire roasted corn on the cob). So we got some corns and started the fire. It was bit cooler and breezy that night, perfect for campfire. Instead of sitting inside sipping coffee we all enjoyed the warm bhuttas around the barbecue pit. At the end everyone was super full with bhuttas, orange cake and banana cake. The fire was still burning. We roasted some potatoes, onions and lone red bell pepper. I just removed top later of onion, washed the bell pepper and dropped in on the coals directly. We removed coal ash with damp cloth before storing. Everyone was so full that I had to keep the roasted veggies in the fridge.

Next when I called my mom, I asked recipe of amati my grandma used to make with fire roasted onions. Instead she told me this chutney recipe that grandma used to make. Its super simple and tastes great with idlis and dosa.

Roasted Onion

2 Fire Roasted Onions - medium size
1 Fire Roasted red Bell Pepper - small size
1 tbsp Cumin Seeds
2 tbsp Jaggery
1 tbsp tamarind
1 tsp Red Chili Powder (or per taste)
Salt per taste

Before Grinding

Preparation -
Peel the roasted bell pepper and de-seed.
Peel top 2 layers of roasted onion.
Dump everything to grinder jar.
Finely grind it and adjust the seasoning.
Keep aside for 30-40 minutes before serving.

Tips -
  • If you do not have BBQ pit, you can broil the veggies for 25-30 minutes turning couple of times.
  • You can just use onions and omit the bell pepper if you cant get one.

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  1. That sounds like a delightful evening! Roasted onions have such a sweet and smoky flavor, the chutney looks great.

  2. The Chutney must have tasted delicious! The photos are simply lovely :-)

  3. Love how you just 'whip up' these things so perfectly!

  4. Mints, that is a keeper. We haven't started BBQ yet but the first time I fire up that grill, this is going in there. I am only worried about the charcoal smell seeping in the veggies if I put them on the coals directly. Or do you use the ones without charcoal?

  5. wow.. looks and sounds ( :)) yummy. Onions & Red Bell pepper are going in my grocery list for this week :)

  6. Lovely and delicious chutney!

  7. Nupur, Rachana, ET, Jaya, Mrinal and Parita - Thank you.

  8. What a lovely chutney! Dropped by your blog after a long time, and am reading every single post! Been at it for the past hour and half.


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