Corn Cutlets

Fall is here. Crisp air and leaves changing colors. You come out of office at 6 and its already getting dark. When the weather is cold all I can think of is warm cup of coffee or tea, specially on the weekends. I enjoy reading a nice book while sipping coffee and munching on spicy goodies. I rarely get to enjoy quiet time because of household chores, groceries, some classes etc. These relaxing time once in a while keep me going for a long time. I always look forward to these afternoons even when they are hard to come by!!!

Back in the days, we only got Sundays off. The main attraction of Sundays used to evening Hindi movie on TV! TV watching time was rationed, if evening movie is good, no day time TV. We had to finish all our homework before we could watch TV. I always sat with my journals in front of the TV and writing all the submissions while enjoying movie. Once in a while my mom would make something special with tea. Dhokla, pohe were staples. Whenever I think of times back then, it reminds me how life so simple! TV had only one channel, simple food choices. Anyhow as always things change and life goes on. There are plenty of things I do now that I couldn't do then. Funny thing is, now that I know I can watch as much TV as I can, I rarely watch it anymore.

On one of a quieter Sundays recently I tried these simple and easy to make corn cutlets. They are so easy that you can make them on minutes notice.

Corn Cutlets

1.5 cup Frozen/Fresh Corn Kernels
0.5 cup Boiled/Baked Potato
2 small Green Chilies
Salt per taste
2 tsp lemon juice
1 tsp Sugar (optional)
1/4 Chopped Cilantro
1/2 chopped Onion (optional)
Oil as needed

Preparation -
Thaw frozen corn kernels.
Add green chilies, corn, salt in food processor. Pulse everything but don't grind it too fine.
Grate boiled potato. Mix the corn mixture and boiled potato. Add lemon juice, chopped cilantro and chopped onion and mix it well.
The mixture will be soft.
Make small 1.5-2" patties. Heat a griddle on medium heat and line up the patties. Add oil if the patties start sticking to the griddle.
Shallow fry them well from both the sides.
Serve with ketchup or green chutney with afternoon tea.

Tips -
  • The mixture will be soft but it will firm up when cutlets are cooked. 
  • I used yellow corn so the cutlets look bright yellow. If you use white corn, you can add pinch of turmeric. 
  • You can use bread crumbs or stale bread instead of boiled potato.


  1. I am a new reader of your blog, and this recipe sounds great! I will try it soon.

  2. These look to die for, Mints! Corn and potatoes together must make a perfect combination.
    I'm hoping to try your malvani masala with the curry this weekend. Can't wait!

  3. Corn and potato together makes a delicious combo and these cutlets look perfect :-)

  4. खूपच इंटरेस्टिंग रेसिपी आहे. नक्कीच करून पाहणार.


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