Rotini With Vegan Alfredo

Well sort of....

We had gone to Macaroni Grill for dinner one day and my husband was debating between Pasta Milano and Capellini Pomodoro. After about 5 minutes of going back and forth he finally ordered the Pasta Milano but without meat. As it had alfredo sauce, I couldn't even take a bite. But then and there I had decided that I will veganize it as I loved the ingredients mentioned in the description. In my next trip to Trader Joe's I got vegan cheese and sun dried tomatoes. I do not care about mushrooms much so did not bother. Weeks passed by without giving me chance to cook anything that needed me to pay attention to details or the measurements. Last weekend was so busy that I did not even get to do the preparation for the week. Today was comparatively less busy to think about something other than work and daily routine. I came home on time but only to notice empty fridge! And immediately remembered about the ingredients I had bought for pasta. I took everything out on the counter and my husband asked me why am I cooking such a elaborate meal. According to him, I cook more elaborate meals when I am very hungry. I, of course, disagree! He challenged me to finish cooking in 20-25 minutes and photographs in next 5 and we get to eat. Who can say no to that kind of challenge?And guess what? Everything was ready and plated in exactly 20 minutes!


Here is what I used and how I made it -

7-8 large cloves of garlic
1.5 cups of multicolored Rotini
1.5 cups Soy milk
1/4 cup Julienned sun dried tomatoes (dry variety)
3/4 cup chopped broccoli
2 tbsp Olive oil
Freshly ground black pepper and salt per taste
2-3 tbsp grated soy cheese (optional)
1/4 tsp Dry italian seasoning
Enough water to boil Pasta

Preparation -
Start boiling pasta in enough water according to the instructions given on the package. Drain and reserve about 1/4th cup of water.
Slice each garlic clove in 3-4 pieces. Heat oil in small pan (I used the miniature cast iron skillet I have) and add garlic. Let the garlic cook on medium heat until golden brown.
Chop broccoli florets and sundried tomatoes coarsely.
Now heat another bigger skillet on medium heat add the cooked garlic. You can drain the oil or use as much as you want can when you transfer the garlic. Add chopped sundried tomatoes and broccoli and saute for couple of minutes.
Add salt and saute for another minute and add soy milk and lower the heat. Add crushed italian seasoning, freshly ground black pepper. The milk will start boiling by now. Stir constantly to prevent milk from sticking at the bottom. Add cooked pasta when the milk is reduced to almost half and mix well. Add half of the cheese and mix thoroughly. If it is too thick, add reserved water from pasta and mix thoroughly.
Garnish with few sun dried tomatoes and cheese before serving it.


Tips -
  1. You can cook the garlic in large pan or even in the oven. I had to use small pan so that I can cook it quicker. Baked garlic will taste great but I did not have time to prepare that ahead of time.
  2. I did not buy oil packed sun dried tomatoes as I wanted to avoid oil.
  3. This is not exactly full blown alfredo but tastes great.


  1. Pasta looks yummm:) a beautiful click!

  2. aha.. nice veganizing of the old favorite! love the dish and the click.

  3. Love your vegan alfredo, Mints. I sometimes use cashew paste to substitute for cream in pastas (and curries!). You've made me hungry with your healthy version.

  4. Rachana, PJ and Vaishali - Thank you.

  5. totally delectable...i love this click.yummy pasta...great healthy version..

  6. what is real alfredo made of then?

  7. Thanks Deepa!

    Anon, it has creme, lots of cheese and flour.

  8. The creme, lots of cheese and flour is the reason I never opt for Alfredo. This is a better version Mints. Thanks.

  9. Hey Mints, I have tried this pasta n loved it. I actually wanted to prepare this for the party. Just wanted to know if I can prepare it the previous night? Pleas reply....

  10. Anon, I would suggest preparing a sauce and cooked pasta separately at night and mixing it together in morning. I feel if you mix it and refrigerate, it might dry out.

  11. thanx for replying... and replying so faasssttt...


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