Niloufer's Pomelo Salad

She raved about Niloufer's book 'My Bombay Kitchen', even wrote a post about it. After hearing so much I had to borrow the book and after reading it, I had own it. Niloufer's writing style is very casual but very informative at the same time. I am very much interested in the food habits of people and their culture. This books satisfies both my interests. Parsis traditions, their festivals and the kind of food they eat is so interesting to read.

Pomelo Salad and Book

Another interesting thing about this book is illustrations. Illustrations of everyday kitchen objects like tortoise shaped coconut grater to wooden flour sieve took me down the memory lane instantaneously. The best illustration from the book is of Parsi Food Pyramid!!!

I wanted to try something from the book for so long but was not able to settle on anything. Recently a friend told me about easy pomelo(called papanas in marathi) peeling technique from the book. I love pomelos but they are pain to peel. As a kid it used to be my job to remove seeds from pomegranates or getting flesh out of pomelos or removing orange segments. And believe me it is a most dreadful thing to do! But Niloufer's technique is so easy and best of all it works like a charm!!

Pomelo Salad

Here is simple pomelo salad from this book -
1 Pomelo
1 Avocado
1/2 cup finely chopped Cilantro
Pinch of Salt
1 Green Chili (optional)

Procedure -
Remove the thick outer layer of the pomelo and keep white membrane intact. Let it sit for few hours or overnight. Then remove the segments by peeling the white membranes off. The segments can be removed in one piece.
Remove pit from avocado and chop it in big chunks.
Very gently mix everything together. Enjoy it with anything. I had it bowl full for lunch. It is so refreshing for summer.

Tips -
  1. The book also has a version with coconut which I have not tried yet. But I am sure it tastes as good as this one.
  2. It can be eaten as snack too.

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  1. Pomellos are one of the tastiest fruit!! I just love them in salad - we have finally started getting them here and i always stock my fridge with some!

  2. I started eating pomelo because of MBK and Niloufer's description! She is spot on about all her tricks and tips.

  3. Hi Mints...I love your recipes.....How to identify when an avocado is ripe? yesterday I brought one and it is hard and green...does it smell sweet when ripe?

  4. I have tried her version with coconut too. Once with shredded frozen cococnut, and once with canned coconut meat (the type she refers to in her book). The latter was more of a hit.


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