I am getting Chocolate Cupcakes For Potluck

Friday coffee night is something we friends have been doing for past three years. It started out as a casual conversation and came to reality. Its a monthly event and we take turns to host. We meet after dinner on a Friday evening and share few good laughs, plan the next outing together. Even though we say its strictly a coffee evening, the host always offers some snack. I made these amazingly tasty and easy to make mini cupcakes from ET's blog which she has adapted from Nicole's recipe, for one of these coffee meetings. I have made it at least a dozen times and it has come out great every time. I can whip it up in 30 minutes, even on a weekday! And get all the ooohs and wows every single time. She uses milk in her recipe but I simply replace it with water. Funny thing is the only time I used soy milk, they came out bit dense. Since then I have gone back to using water. Yesterday I whipped up a batch for a wonderful little guy who loves cakes and cookies but is allergic to milk and doesn't eat eggs. I hope he likes them.

Closer Look

Here is how I made them (Recipe is identical to ET's except I replace milk with water)

3/4 cups All Purpose Flour (I use Chapati Flour)
1/4 cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
1 tbsp Instant Coffee Powder (optional)
1/2 cup Sugar
1/4 cup Vegetable Oil
3/8 cup Water (bit more if needed)
1/2 tsp Baking Powder
1/4 tsp Baking Soda
Pinch of Salt
1/2 tsp Vanilla Extract

Preparation - 

Line 12 mini muffin pan with paper liners. Preheat oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
Mix well flour, coco powder, sugar,  instant coffee powder, salt, baking powder and baking soda. Sifting all together helps remove lumps if any.
Mix water, oil and vanilla extract. Whisk together for a minute or so.
Add flour mixture and mix well. Make sure there is no dry flour left. Add more water teaspoon at a time.
Spoon the batter in lined muffin cup evenly.
Bake for 10-15 minutes or until toothpick inserted comes out clean.
Remove promptly and let them cool on cooling rack.

Coffee and Brownie Cupcakes 
Coffee and Cupcakes

Tips -
  • I always get 14 mini muffins from the given measurements.
  • I have used chapati flour, APF, whole wheat flour and every one of these flours work really great. 
  • I have tried just using 1/4 cup of  turbinado sugar and that works as well.
  • I have multiplied this up to twice and works great. 
Nupur, would you like to have these for Blog Bites 6 - Potluck edition?

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    1. There is nothing better than a healthy cupcake and these are it! I love coffee and chocolate combination anyday. Now to find a group of friends who will meet once a week...

    2. yummy , delicious

    3. look delcious ,perfect click too

    4. These cupcakes are just perfect for me as I love chocolate and coffee combo! Yumm!

    5. Yes, yes, yes, these will be the first to disappear at any potluck ;)

      The coffee nights sounds like a whole lot of fun! Thanks for asking about my job and new place, both have been wonderful :)

    6. You have made these many more times than I have! We have to thank Nicole for these.

    7. Very nice recipe. What should be the baking temperature

    8. Wow, that's one goodlooking cupcake. I do love chocolate cupcakes with cocoa powder because I don't always have vegan chocolate chips on hand. Nice, Mints!

    9. Jaya, once in a week mine be overkill try once a month :) I am sure some of your friends will be happy to start a coffee group.

      Subhiksha, Rachana, Notyet100, Nupur, Saee and Vaishali - Thank you.

      ET - I have due credit to Nicole. Thanks for reminding.

      Mr. Sharad Nene - Thank you for noticing. I added the temperature to the post.

    10. Cupcakes are just tooooooooooooo tempting:)


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