Zucchini Paratha

'When it rains, it pours' - this idiom is literally true for zucchinis in summer. Once the plant established well, yield is very steady through out the summer. I once went through the trouble of distributing zucchinis to friends etc and then decided not to plant them. It is just too much!!! Now a days I am at the receiving end so I get to try various recipes. One another favorite recipe from last year is vegan zucchini cake.

People in India who grow Ghosavale / Turai / Gilake / Luffa can totally relate to this. I remember my mom once. just once, planted two seeds for luffa and we ate that sabji almost every alternate day! Later my brother and I just refused to eat! Next year the vines came back from the dropped seeds from previous year, repeating experience. I have not heard about it from mom in past couple of years, so I am assuming plant is no longer thriving in our backyard in India.

I have been making these zucchini parathas for years now but never thought of sharing. Recently few of my friends asked me to share as they loved the flavor combination when they made it themselves. It showcases mild zucchini flavor with touch of spice. These go well for breakfast or quick dinner special.

Zucchini Paratha

Here is how I make them -

2 Zucchinis (should yield 2 cups after gating)
2-3 Green Chilies (or per taste)
3-4 Cloves of Garlic
1 tsp Cumin Seeds
1/4 cup Chopped Cilantro
1.5 tsp Salt
1 1/4  cups of Wheat Flour
3-4 tbsp Oil
Water if needed

Preparation - 
Wash the zucchinis cut the head and stems off.
Coarsely grate these, sprinkle 1/2 tsp salt, mix and let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
Grind cumin, garlic and green chilies into fine paste.
Squeeze out all the juice from zucchini, do not throw away.
Mix grated zucchini, wheat flour, chili-garlic paste, salt and cilantro. Knead the dough, use zucchini water as needed. Do not make the dough soft. Zucchini makes it softer by releasing more water.
Divide the dough in 6 equal size balls.
Heat griddle on medium heat. Roll each ball to make thick paratha. Roast on griddle from both the sides on medium heat. Spread little bit of oil on each side while roasting.

Tips - 
  1. I like to eat them with these two lime pickles, or nistyachi chutney
  2. I make these with green zucchinis that I get from friends or bought from farmers market. So they don't release too much water. But I have noticed that zucchinis from traditional grocery stores release too much water. 


  1. What a delicious use of zucchini. I can't wait to make these!

  2. Am definitely making this! What a great way to use Zucchini! What does the name of your blog mean?

    1. Sassy Fork - welcome here.

      Name of my blog is beginning of a shlok (written just below the blog header) which literally means 'when you take a bite'.
      Meaning of the complete shlok is really beautiful, I will try to explain as much as I can - if you pray when you take a bite, it becomes offering to the God. And food is not for just filling stomach think of it as you are putting it in the holy fire. It gives life the living force.


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