Aamasool Kadhi

I love aamsool in any form possible solkadhi, phuti kadhi, kokam saar, kokam sarabat, aamsool kadhi, chutney. One of my uncle lives in Koyna Nagar. He used to get fresh Kokum, young jackfruits, jamuns(jambhaLe) etc. Mom used to ask him to buy some frsh Kokums. Then she would remove the seeds, add salt and sugar store it in a glass jar. The seeds usually have flesh attached so we had to squeeze them to extract valuable juice. This juice is then added to the glass jar. Mom used to keep this jar in sun for few days. This homemade sarbat is way more tastier than store bought. Now uncle is getting old so mom has to buy her sarbat. Mom used to make various things with these fresh kokums like kokum sar, Aamti.

Aamsool Kadhi is made as a side dish with Khandesh speciality 'Daal-BaTTi'. I like this kadhi more than Daal-BaTTi. This is my cosister's recipe. I changed few things according to availability of things -

5-6 Aamsool

2-3 tbsp Besan (chick pea flour)

Jaggery - about golf ball size

1/2 tsp Garam masala or goda masala

Red Chili powder and salt per taste

2-3 tbsp finely chopped cilantro

3 cup water

1 tbsp oil, cumin seeds, mustard seeds, Asafoetida, Turmeric and few curry leaves.

Soak Aamsool in cup of warm water for about 30 minutes. Squeeze these amasool in water. Add salt, chili powder, jaggery, besan and mix it well. If there are any small lumps of besan, mix remove them. Add remaining 2 cups of water. Now heat oil in a vessel, add cumin seeds, mustard seeds, turmeric, asafoetida, and curry leaves. Let these sizzle. Add the aamsool mixture and let it boil on low flame. Stir it constantly. Remove promptly from the stove and add chopped cilantro. Enjoy warm kadhi with rice.

Tips - Add 2 tbsp besan if you want kadhi to be little thinner consistency. For thicker consistency use about 3 tbsp.


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